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Deep Dive Into Your Identity

Our goal is to help you build a foundational understanding of your identity through

this course. No one is teaching a class on identity formation for mixed women so

it can be hard to know where to start and how to integrate our cultures, history,

and traditional practices.

Wherever you are in your self-discovery you will find information in this course

that will bring awareness and clarity to the parts of you that you may have

forgotten about, or have been hiding in plain sight for you to embrace.

Here is the breakdown of the modules:

Part 1:

• How identity is developed and how being mixed can make it

more difficult to navigate: Let's break it down and get clear

about what identity really is!

• Defining the different parts of your identity: Human, Gender &

Sexual Orientation, Heritage, Ancestry, Rituals, Personality,

Physical features, Socioeconomic status, Culture, Ethnicity.

• How identity influences your mental health: Code-switching,

The “Enough” Factor

• Patriarchy/Matriarchy/Gender Roles/ Social Roles/White Supremacy: How society's social constructs impact identity development


o Core Desired Feelings Identification: Identify your deepest why’s for getting clarity around your identity so you can consciously align your actions with feeling good, and make that a priority.

o How to integrate the dimensions of your identity that are most important to you: Actionable steps that you can take to honor your whole self.

o Ways to embody your divine feminine: Embracing your feminine qualities and learning how to balance masculine energy in yourself can help you avoid burnout and fatigue.

o Personality assessments, core beliefs & values: Dive deep into the natural gifts of your personality.

o Mindset Assessment: Identify any hidden limiting beliefs that will sabotage you before you even begin, then walk through how you can banish them for good.

The Identity Clarity Course is based on self-development which can be beneficial for the individual and your career. In the first half of the course, we use different tools to get you to start thinking about the parts of your identity, how you have come to know them, and how you would like to move forward with them.

Understanding these pieces allows you to become more confident in who you are which influences so many aspects of your life. A quick example might be understanding the dynamics in a workplace and how you can use your knowledge of self to your advantage to take on projects, advocate for a better wage, and bring awareness to blind spots that support workplace culture.

I dive into a lot of deep questions around Gender & Sexual Orientation, Heritage, Ancestry, Rituals, Personality, Physical features, Socioeconomic status, Culture, and Ethnicity. One of the hidden benefits of this deep dive is that it can help you see the perspectives of others, which is always valuable when you are working on a team or meeting new people.

In the second module, we are looking at core desires, limiting beliefs, personality traits, talents, how to integrate parts of your identity to help you feel well rounded, tapping into your divine feminine, and a whole lot more!

Personally, integrating parts of your identity that you were unaware or unsure of adds to that foundation that we were building in the first module. Embracing your feminine qualities and learning how to balance masculine energy in yourself can help you avoid burnout and fatigue.

Working through your limiting beliefs anywhere in your life allows you to reach your full potential personally and professionally. There are so many stories we tell ourselves or mindsets that we have adopted from our upbringing and this is a chance to let go of the ones that are no longer serving you.

Highlighting your talents and personality traits can streamline the process of finding the right fit for professional relationships, projects, and open up communication.

This course also comes with a fillable workbook to keep all of your thoughts, feelings, and insights. We hope you enjoy taking this course! Please send any feedback to with the subject line “Feedback On The Identity Clarity Course”

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