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It's So Nice To Finally Meet You, I'm Brittany. 


I know there's a good majority of mixed women that are battling social anxiety at every corner and feeling utterly exhausted as you try to fit into everyone else's definition of you.


As introverted women we often find ourselves sinking back into the ever-fluctuating depressive state that is so common in mixed women and wearing that heavy armor every single day, deflecting all kinds of microaggressions, racism, and gaslighting. 


This often leads to closing off your voice, stomping down on your intuition, and spending your days conforming to the smallness of only what you have experienced in your family of origin.

You're probably here because you've had more than a few experiences that have led you to feel not enough of one or more of your races, you realized that these feelings became amplified when they are related to your mixed-race.... all humans experience difficulties with their mental health, but there are extra layers that mixed women deal with that often go unseen by monoracial therapists

It's so easy to get wrapped up in our empathetic nature, so much so that we often forget about our own experiences, or discount them as not as important as the happiness of those around us, leaving us drained and burnt out....

Can You Relate?

Image by Caique Silva

Its so easy to get lost in the layers...

As Mixed-Women we deal with layers of our identity that are often left unexplored

  • Two or more (sometimes conflicting) sides of our heritage​

  • Navigating Womanhood in an oppressive society

  • Receiving stereotyping because of our appearance

  • A deep sense of loneliness due to the lack of a nurturing community

  • Systemic racism within our family of origin 

  • Uncertainty of safety in relation to others

  • A heightened sense of empathy  

  • Transgenerational trauma

  • Microaggressions that chip away at your self-worth

Internalizing these layers can cause depression, loneliness, anxiety, suicidal ideation, isolation, some severe mental disturbances, body dysmorphia, eating disorders, low self-esteem, low self-worth, family dysfunction, and emotional dysregulation.



Think you might be an introverted empath, but you aren't quite sure? Here are just a few characteristics:


You prefer time to yourself


You are drained by social interactions


You prefer working alone or one on one


You have a close circle of friends and like it that way


You are introspective and curious


You’re accused of zoning out a lot


You prefer writing over talking


You ‘feel’ more





Finding the right kind of support for you is key to the quality of your healing. One of the ways you can open up to a deeper sense of self is to engage in a therapeutic relationship with a guide or a healer that experiences your worldview.


You wouldn't hire a hairstylist to do your taxes, so why would you seek a mono-racial mental health professional to validate your struggle and help you grow through your mixed-race experience? Not only would that cause you to have to "teach" your coach or counselor about being mixed, often this kind of relationship ends in even more damage causing you to retreat further inward.



The purpose of the guidance that I offer is not to tell you who you are, but to initiate (or fuel) the fire in you that wants to find out.


The ‘real you’, who is beyond the labels, expectations, and roles society would prefer you to play.


This journey - the inquiry into self-awareness - is the only journey that matters. Without taking this journey, life has no depth, no meaning. It is shallow, superficial, and leaves you susceptible to living a half-life.


When interpreted metaphorically, all of the great wisdom teachings and early religions point towards the journey of going beyond the ‘you’ that you think you are. We all contain a seed of curiosity that leads us to the path where the journey begins. Whether we decide to go further is ultimately up to us, but deciding against it will result in a stagnant life experience; a life half lived.


Without it, we’re never aware of our true calling, gifts, strengths, and contribution we have to give to the world. The chaos of the world around us is a collective manifestation of that refusal to go beyond; the chaos caused by suppressed potential.


Fear, insecurity, comparison, greed, the need for power - all symptoms of the refusal that cause suffering on an individual level, and sheer mass destruction on the global level.















Do you feel confined by the way that other people stereotype you before you are even able to make a first impression?


Do you pine for a deep sense of belonging and contentment, but seem to be left searching for your community?


Are you tired of internalizing the icky feeling of fetishism when outsiders mention how different, or exotic you look?


Are you over the anxiety that is caused by the "So, What are you?" question?


Do you feel angry with others when they say something shouldn’t hurt you because you aren’t full *insert your race here*?





You Are Not Alone Anymore





Wouldn't it feel amazing to confidently reply with an answer that fully represents whom you are not only ethnically but also aligning the amazing personality as well as your natural talents?


Wouldnt it be incredible to connect with your guide weekly to unpack your experiences, find better ways to manage stress, heal the wounds of your past, and express your emotions in a safe confidential space? 


Wouldnt it be extraordinary to feel confidence pulse through your body and be able to say "YES" to new opportunities that light you up, without fear and doubt creeping in?


Wouldn't it feel so supportive and loving to connect with other mixed women and hear about their life's journey, compare notes, laugh about all the wild things we experience, and shed some tears about all the hard stuff? 

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